The Supreme Court decision, released on July 1, is abundantly clear to all. There is no need for subtle legal analysis. The president of the United States, from this date forward, has immunity from criminal prosecution for any act undertaken while performing so-called “official duties.”

     Any act. Ordering a vice-president not to certify an election, for example. Directing the burglary of the opponent party’s headquarters, for example. Ordering the jailing or assassination of a political opponent, for example. Ordering the U.S. military onto the streets of an American city to end a political protest or otherwise peaceful assembly, for example.

     Richard Nixon’s infamous (and erroneous then) declaration is now the reality in practice: “when the president does it, that means it is not illegal, by definition.”


A most basic foundation of democracy is that no person is above the law.

     The country’s founders would be appalled to find that this principle has been scrapped. They deliberately eschewed giving the president sovereign status.

     Six Supreme Court judges have taken the country back to a time predating the start of our common democratic heritage, best symbolized by the declaration of Britain’s Magna Carta.

     It is just possible that the democracy can be saved from the sovereign presidency. It will take a specific amendment to the American constitution.

2 thoughts on “The United States Imperial Presidency

  1. Pete ,you are correct and there is no doubt…They believe they are wiser than the rabble and certainly more astute than the Constitutional architects. At one time the idea that no man is above the law kept you ,(and us) ,secure in our trust for justice for all.. no more … I think ” Your done ” Us too I guess!

    • Thanks for your thoughts, Gord.
      Yes, it is hard not to be gloomy about this. It feels like the U.S. can no longer claim a true democracy. Other countries (Canada, Britain, France, Netherlands, Scandinavia, etc.) I can only trust and hope will not go this route. But the U.S. certainly cannot claim now, to point the way. PSC

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