Overheard in a diner, now gone, on Court Street in Brooklyn, NY, a few years ago. There are two servers chatting by the counter, young women in their mid-twenties, one dark-haired, and one blond with an Eastern European accent.

Server # 1 (blond): So, I met my ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend last night at the bar, it was fun.

Server #2 (dark hair): Oh yea? I thought you hated him.

 #1: No, that’s all over. I forgive him. It’s normal. It was fun, I like his new girlfriend. We danced late.

 #2: Nice. Did you go home with them?

#1: Yea.

#2: Did you have sex with them?

#1: No. I was too tired. I just watched.

#2: Oh, nice.

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