A follow-up, and by no means is this my original thought, and I wish it were unnecessary to say so, but…
Regarding the anemic (and in some cases even accommodating, if not outright assisting [i]) response of law enforcement with the insurrectionists: had this not been white Trump followers, but instead it had been Black Lives Matter protesters, and especially if protesters attempted to enter the Capitol building, there would have been a very different response. I believe there would have been bloody heads, tears streaming from the eyes of maced protestors, hundreds of arrests on the spot, and bodies on the steps.[ii]
That said, I know many Capitol police officers acted with great courage. My condolences to the family of Brian Sicknick, the officer killed by an insurrectionist. I am so sorry for him and for all those who loved him. He was a really good, well-loved person. This should not have happened.
Please read Phyllis Cavanagh’s comment; I am trying to get there.
I also want to mention that “Democracy” in the original post was intentionally capitalized in all cases, i.e., Democracy as a venerable institution.
[i] Sam Levin, US Capitol riot: police have long history of aiding neo-Nazis and extremists. The Guardian, January 16, 2021.
[ii] Substantiated by social science findings. Lois Beckett, US police three times as likely to use force against leftwing protesters, data finds. The Guardian, January 14, 2021.