I have known some otherwise reasonable people who have fallen prey to think-tank propaganda, funded by the oil interests, that denies the reality of climate change, or its impact, or its origin – or in most cases, all three.

     Let me state what the scientific consensus, and the reality is:

  1. Climate change is occurring, including global warming, along with increasing catastrophic weather changes.
  2. Its effects are substantial and accelerating.
  3. Mainly this devastation is due to the release of excessive carbon into the atmosphere because of human activity, including the burning of fossil fuel and cattle husbandry.
  4. Left unchecked, this will render life miserable, if not unsustainable, for most creatures, including human beings.
  5. The only true area of remaining scientific debate concerns how fast and how severe the effects will be.
  6. We can ameliorate this, if not stop and even reverse it, by concerted wise human effort and intelligent technological change.

     Period. End of story. Finum suum.

      We have been aware of the problem for at least forty years, although the scientific picture has gotten clearer over the decades. At the same time, we have had forty years of climate-change-denial propaganda that has muddied things and derailed action. The propaganda has been constructed and disseminated by so-called “think tanks” and their minions on television and talk-radio, mainly funded by oil interests such as Exxon and extreme right societal and political manipulators such as the Koch brothers. It is unconscionable, criminal.

     Concerning the scientific consensus, consider this thought experiment, with thanks to Tom Friedman.[i]  Suppose your doctor says to you that your child has a deadly condition, but that it can be remedied by a careful course of treatment. However, your child appears to be pretty much okay, and you are not sure you want to have your child take the medication, so you ask for a second opinion. You go to ninety-eight other family physicians and pediatricians, and despite some slight differences concerning the potential severity of the condition and the strength of the remedy required, they all give you essentially the same diagnosis and treatment plan.

     However, you find one doctor who says that your child’s apparent disease is a part of a completely normal cycle of nature, and adds that even there were a problem, it will disappear causing no harm. All you must do is to make sure your child continues life as before.

     As a concerned parent, what would you do? Whom would you believe: the ninety-nine reputable physicians, or the last one?

     This is the situation. The consensus from objective scientific observation and data analysis communicated by reputable scientists is clear and decisive.

     Even if you prefer to acquire your opinions second-hand from television, as many of us do, whom would you trust on the matter of climate change: say, David Attenborough, the honoured naturalist and renowned BBC broadcaster, a level-headed man of integrity? Or would you trust the likes of Tucker Carlson, highly paid to bloviate, make trouble and manufacture controversy on Fox “News,” funded by the nefarious Rupert Murdoch?

     I know what my choice would be.

     It is all rather simple. The basic news is bad of course. It is uncomfortable and calls for changes. Yet there is good news. The problem really is fixable and does not have to be all that painful. The medicine is good, and we are perfectly capable of both making it and taking it. It is as easy to swallow as that good old Canadian cough syrup, Buckley’s Mixture, notorious in my childhood for its dubious taste. It was a little challenging going down, but boy, did you feel good about it afterward. And you got better.

     Addressing climate change is like that. It can be halted. If you are a denier and will not help us out on this, at least, please:

     Get out of the way so that we can get on with the doable job of reclaiming a habitable planet for our grandchildren and the other remaining species on earth.

     More on that job soon.


[i] Friedman, Thomas. Trump’s Motto: Your Money or Your Life. New York Times, September 23, 2020.

4 thoughts on “An Open Letter to Climate Change Deniers

  1. One denier of everything didn’t like the idea that government would tell him what to do. Americans’ fixation with “freedom” is misplaced.

    And who in their right mind would drink menthol and camphor???

  2. Unfortunately for us many Americans are cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs! God forbid we give up anything we want and like for the good of mankind…we want what we want when we want it!!! Tucker Carlson and the Trumpetts for us! The climate will be okay, the virus will disappear, and coal will return!
    What a mess we are in…

    • Yes, a mess. But I have to believe there is hope. Will write about that soon.
      I took the Cocoa Puffs bit out; how I felt, but on reconsideration I thought there was no need to be insulting, and instead, am asking the deniers to move out of the way so that we can get on with it! Thanks, B.

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