January 3, 2025

President Joseph Biden
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Biden:

     We are writing to express our heartfelt gratitude for your service in the White House, and really for your whole life. We will miss you and your decency and thoughtfulness more than can be measured.

     You served honorably for all those years in public life – in the Senate, as vice-president, and finally president – and in the latter you guided us out of both a great public health crisis, but also out of the chaos and negativity of the regime that preceded you. You also did right things that were so urgently needed: including getting America on a path to mitigate climate change and restoring credibility and decency to our relationships with our allies.

     Of course, there were tremendous challenges: Ukraine, Afghanistan, Gaza and Israel, a Supreme Court gone awry – none of which had easy or obvious solutions. Nevertheless, we could trust that you were doing your best, with grace and intelligence.

     You were, quite simply, a great president, and history will say so.

     Thank you.

     We are most apprehensive about what is next, but we will keep you and Vice-President Harris in mind, as beacons, to guide us through the darkness.

Yours truly,

Peter S. Cameron

Kathleen C. Flanagan

4 thoughts on “A Letter to the President

      • Joe Biden has contributed to the world in extraordinary ways. He has suffered much loss and personal tragedy in his life that also made him a compassionate, caring, kind good citizen as my Dad would have said. Politically his leadership and accomplishments can never be matched.
        He supports NATO important to all of us in countries facing hard right extreme politics with more violence and wars we do not need killing innocent civilians.
        As a Canadian with family in the USA. I am saddened by what is happening globally. I will always love Joe Biden as a person I have liked and admired and will miss his ability to work with both sides of the aisle in politics.
        Thanks for the memories, Linda C

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