






This is a home for eclectic conversations: essays on topics of interest, observations on things, fiction and creative non-fiction excerpts, poetry, and even some photographs.

I confess my postings are a tad sporadic, done as the spirit moves me.

I am concerned about climate change and our destruction of the environment, particularly for our fellow species, and have written about that. I am angry about American gun violence, and deeply dismayed by the drift of our politics into demagoguery in both Canada and the U.S, and I write about these things too – I hope without ranting.

Of course, we now know that the indecent  fraudster and promoter of hatred is the president-elect. It saddens me greatly that we have come to this in 2024. In my darker moments, it feels like my life work and ambitions have been in vain. It is a “time of ashes” (Robert Bly).

But enough! I take solace in the beauty of our planet and the holiness and joy of our late autumn days. 

If interested, please see my photography site at www.peterscottcameron.com. I hope that you enjoy, the galleries. I will be making changes and reducing that site beginning in December.

All writing and all pictures, unless otherwise stated, are: copyright © Peter Scott Cameron, 2020 — 2024.

PSC.  November 21, 2024.